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Qualyns – Vitamin A Serum (30ML)

27,00 $

A revolutionary elixir designed to rejuvenate and nourish your skin. Formulated with fat-soluble vitamin A and dry oils for optimal absorption, this ecolabel-certified serum offers a non-greasy, quick-absorbing solution. Experience the benefits of vitamin A, including balancing and toning, UV protection, pigmentation reduction, sebum control for acne, and enhanced moisture retention.

Ingredients: Retiniyl Palmitate, Hyaluronic Acid, Amorphophallus Konjac Root Powder. Qualyns Vit A Serum ıncreases collagen productıon wıth retınyl palmıtate ın ıts content, strengthens the skın and reduces sun damage. Fıghts fıne wrınkles. Increases skın elastıcıty. Provıdes a vıbrant, moısturısed skın appearance. pregnant women should use ıt ın consultatıon wıth theır doctor.
How to use: It is applied daily morning-evening apply enough product to the skin area you want to apply with gentle massage movements